

Best of Awake in the World: Kushala 5

This week we’re revisiting a favorite Awake in the World podcast episode. Life before and after Death. Michael Stone talks about deep memory, rebirth, and how when we have problems it’s usually because we have the wrong map.


Best of Awake in the World: Kushala 3

This week we’re revisiting a favorite Awake in the World podcast episode. The mind in meditation, dream yoga, and the Buddha’s teaching on “The Arrow.” Michael Stone gives an in-depth talk on the Buddha’s approach to embracing suffering, letting go,


Put Down Your Load

In this Awake in the World podcast Michael focuses on dukkha: how we create it both individually and collectively, and how we can be more skilful in managing it.


Hold and Release

In this Awake in the World podcast Michael teaches about equanimity (upeksha) and how it relates to creativity, art, practice and anger.


Nothing is Hidden

In this Awake in the World podcast Michael explores the human desire to create and cling to transcendental narratives at the expense of our lived reality. He asks if we can practice in a way that is deeper than our


The Good Enough Meditator

In this Awake in the World podcast Michael highlights the hindrances to practice described in line 30 of the Yoga Sutras and then offers some techniques to work with them.


Hope Lives in the Means, Not the End

In this Awake in the World podcast Michael begins with a passage by Wendell Berry regarding the importance of process. He applies this idea to mindfulness practice and suggests that we tune in to the quality of our noticing without


Great Bewilderment, Great Awakening

In this Awake in the World podcast episode Michael describes the value of uncertainty and its role in helping us gain insight into the part of our mind that creates suffering.


Best of Awake in the World: Guided Meditation (40 min.)

This week we’re revisiting a favourite Awake in the World podcast episode. In this guided meditation by Michael Stone, the focus is on the tongue, palette, position of fingers, and subtle physical tricks to open the mind in Vipassana practice.


Where’s My Treasure House?

In this Awake in the World podcast Michael relates the story of Daiju and Baso from the Gateless Gate (21) and explores the treasure of trusting yourself.


A True Person of No Status

In this Awake in the World podcast, recorded during the afternoon practice session on New Year’s Eve 2009, Michael gives a few words of encouragement around “realizing the mystery” in the ordinariness of your life.


Drawing Water and Carrying Firewood

In this Awake in the World podcast Michael speaks to a poem by Pan Yung which includes the lines, “My supernatural power and marvelous activity/Drawing water and chopping wood.” In this talk (given at the 2009 New Year’s Retreat) Michael

About the Community Library

Michael was a great archivist and the Community Library was—and continues to be—a labour of love. Everything in the Community Library is available for free. Anyone, anywhere can have instant access to material that will help them deepen their practice and contribute to a culture of compassion and collaboration.

Libraries are places where we gather alone together. They are known to be places of refuge for seekers, as well as those who are marginalized. This library is no different. It helps us nourish our beautiful, international community without walls. Now, it will also help keep Michael’s legacy alive.
