A talk given at Centre of Gravity, Toronto, March 18, 2014 Three Trainings In Korea,…
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Ethics 5: Honesty
This is a transcript of a talk given by Michael Stone (with some extra riffs…
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Ethics 4: Not Harming
This text is a collage. It’s partly the words of the author and notes from…
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Ethics 3: Deep Background
Excerpted from a 2010 talk by Stephen Batchelor in Australia “But I think also that…
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Ethics 2: How We Get Along
You No one will read this sentence the way you’re reading it, whether you hold…
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Ethics 1: Introduction
From Centre of Gravity, Toronto. Written by Mike Hoolboom. Why are you here? It’s the…
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Notes on Dying 5: Crow Funeral by Elaine Jackson
Notes on a talk by Elaine Jackson on death. This is the last evening we…
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Old Maps
Notes on a talk at Centre of Gravity by Michael Stone, May 6, 2014 First…
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Noting in the Empire of Selfies
Notes on a talk by Michael Stone, April 8, 2014, at Centre of Gravity Jerry…
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Abusing the Buddha: How the U.S. Army and Google Co-opt Mindfulness
Mindfulness meditation has exploded into an industry that ranges from the monastery to the military.…
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