During a public talk at the beginning of a six day retreat in Copenhagen, Michael…
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The Glare Behind You
Michael works with a koan called "This Buddha, That Buddha," in which he talks about…
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Oyster Swallows the Moon
Michael gives a talk based on the koan "Oyster Swallows the Moon," exploring how we…
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Buddha’s Last Words
In the Zen tradition, there is a saying, “Reaching the mystery is nothing but breaking…
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Emptiness, Self, Depression & Narcissism
Michael gives a talk on the ways mindfulness meditation can help with the spectrum of…
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Relax Your Mind
Michael talks on the importance of relaxing your mind and how patience and relaxation give…
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What Can We Know?
Michael reads some core teachings of the Buddha that describe the limits of what we…
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Buddhism Before Religion
The Buddha’s stance is anti-religious in a certain way. He uses what’s in religious practice…
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Patience is a Practice of Attunement
Long-term practice requires patience more than discipline. Practice frustrates our results oriented mind. You need…
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The Ivory Tower of Love
It's harder to practice conditional love than unconditional love. Try loving one person for a…
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